Want to contribute to the Terra Project?

Donate to the Terra Fund

Terra Research Fund

The Terra Research Fund is under our non-profit partner Conservation Science Global, and your donations will help us achieve our goal of creating a user-driven worldwide conservation network. Donors will be listed on our Kickstarter page, as well as in a variety of promotional materials. Feel free to contact us for more information.

Help improve biodiversity

By making a tax-deductible donation to the Terra Research Fund, you’ll help support one of the most advanced tools ever created for wildlife conservation. When users choose to share the data collected by their Terra device, they will empower themselves to become part of the global Terra network – saving wildlife and protecting biodiversity.

Wildlife preservation…. crowdsourced

The Terra Fund will integrate the broader global network of Terra devices with collection, management, and scientific analyses of the data. Terra not only provides the answers we need through science, but also creates a community of dedicated naturalists who are committed to preserving the environment.

The specific goals of the fund are:

  • Leverage a worldwide network of Terra devices to collect and analyze data from the world’s wildlife.
  • Bring researchers and their projects together to create a more complete and effective analysis of wildlife populations and movements.  
  • Massively expand the range of detection for existing and future radio-tagged birds.
  • Build a database of sounds available to researchers and conservationists alike in the spirit of scientific collaboration and progress. Utilize the songs and calls collected to continuously improve identification algorithms. 
  • Pinpoint troubled populations for immediate action through data analysis.
  • Exponentially expand our understanding of the details of bird migration.
  • Automate population estimates around the world while increasing their accuracy.
  • Provide a new tool for seeing the effects of climate change on animals and their habitats.
  • Create unique uses for Terra that directly impact the safety and conservation of birds. For example, use real-time analysis to manage human activities that impact migration during peak movements.